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Video Game Artist Salary Information

Becoming a video game artist seems like the perfect job for gamers that allows them to make money working with the games they love. Not many people have the privilege to transition so smoothly or easily from teenage obsession to adult career. If you have ever considered this there are a few things to know about video game artist salary information first.

video game artist salaryWhile the common perception may be that video games are all fun and games, the fact is that there is considerable work put into every last detail in order to create a successful product. Video game programmers, engineers, technical directors, artists, animators, designers, creative directors, producers, and sound engineers are the major players that come together to create the games that thrill and delight children through adults on PCs, Xbox 360, PS3, the Wii and more.

As in any field, a video game artist salary is lower at the start ofthe career. An artist must prove his value to the industry before becoming worthy of higher pay. As an individual gains experience, he or she is paid more for their work. This is a process all career professionals and video game artists pass through. Video game artists who have just entered the field through those who have less than three years of experience can expect an average of $41,500 per year.

After a time period of approximately three years, an artist in the video game industry can expect an increase of pay to about $53,300. If an individual is highly talented and is able to make it in the industry for more than 6 years, video game artist salary may be up to $66,700. These numbers make an excellent pay grade. Even beginning salary for a video game artist is considerably higher than in other careers.

How much you can make in video game artThese nice salary statistics may have you dreaming about rolling in cash already. But it is important to commit to this unique profession. This means that, although you will be working to create video games, the job and educational path to get there must be earned and taken seriously.

Do not make the arrogant mistake of assuming you can make it on talent alone. There are a variety of skill sets, techniques, and procedures that must be learned and refined. Even those with natural artistic skills must commit to making a whole-hearted effort. If you work hard at learning and perfecting all the skills that video game artistry takes, you will be rewarded.

Earning a good and thorough education ensures that you will be able to quickly climb the rungs of the video game artist salary ladder. It also increases your chances of a long and successful career doing something you sincerely enjoy. And that is a priceless privilege most individuals never get to experience.

The Art Institutes offer a Video Game Art and Design Degree that you might want to check out. Request free info about this program and see if it might be what you're looking for. Or feel free to check out some other video game art degrees we've compiled and what you can expect in that kind of program.

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