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We take a closer look at video game programming degrees

A video game can have the best game art, the best concept, the best sound, but none of that will matter if there isn't the proper programming to bring all of these elements together. Video game programmers are the members of the team that put all of the great elements of a game together and make them work.

Some Examples of Game Programming Degrees

We've compiled a selection of of schools here that specifically offer a Game Programming Degree that we think you might be interested in taking a closer look at. Requesting this info is 100% free with no obligation what-so-ever, so you really have nothing to lose. It's a good easy step to learn what's out there. If you do narrow down a school and are seriously considering enrolling, make sure you ask a few vital questions. What is the employment rate after graduation? What connections do the schools of interest have to the video game industry? Make sure you get the answers you need to feel completely satisfied with your choice of school.

Full Sail University (Our Top Pick)
Location: Orlando, Florida and Online

full sailBachelor of Game Development

Full Sail University's Game Development Bachelor's Degree Program teaches you about the game creation process from start to finish. Courses encompass preproduction and how to create game docs, programming and implementation, plus game play and level design.



To do well as a video game programmer, you'll need to be good at problem solving, logic, and have a structured way of looking at things. Being strong in math is also one of those things that will translate well considering linear algebra is pretty much essential to coding a game. A good video game programming degree will offer a strong foundation in game engines, artificial intelligence, physics, as well as a breakdown of video game design in general. Getting the overall picture of how a game is created is essential to see how the programming will tie it all together.

Depending on where you work, you might be in charge of coding something very specific like physics, or you might cover a broader range of programming. Generally the bigger the studio and scope of project, the more specialized of a position you will most likely be put in. If you are working more for an Indie developer, expect to work on a far wider range of code.

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Video Game Programming Degrees

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